through the eyes of an enigma… el maèstro

Posts tagged ‘inspiration’


Random Quote: Honest Abe

It was Abraham Lincoln who said “I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.”

Do you want to be looked down upon by Abe? No? Then what are you waiting on? Improve yourself today!

TED: Black: My Journey to yo-yo Mastery

I promised inspiration and I come bearing gifts!

Looking for dexterity, passion and mastery? This guy definitely has it all! I’m subscribed to the TED podcasts on iTunes (if you don’t know TED TALKS then you need to hit up YouTube).

Anyway, I will be honest, when this title ‘TED: Black: My journey to yo-yo mastery’ popped up I was tempted to delete without even bothering to watch it. But something said, “Take a look.” I mean, there must be a reason it made it to TED after all. So, I did and I assure you, it had to be the most inspiring thing I had seen in a little while.

I am not just talking about his jaw dropping talent, which he definitely doesn’t lack. What I am referring to in this case is his passion which you can see in his every look, in his every movement and the fact that he allowed nothing to get in the way of pursuing that passion.


For some reason the previous link will not embed so…you’ll have to watch that particular performance on YouTube…or just watch the one below which is less cool but still awesome.

What would you say to someone who told you they plan to be a yo-yo master? Be honest, chances are you’d probably snicker and say something sarcastic. But this guy! This guy, he stuck to his guns and now he stands on the TED stage, doing what he is passionate about. This guy is living inspiration.

Now excuse me while I power down my system and go out to try and find myself a Yo-Yo.

Month of Inspiration

This June is not the month to run off and get hitched, because El Maèstro Designs has endeavoured to make it our month of inspiration! Every day for this month we will be posting one of the ’31 Major Causes of Failure’ as put forth by Napoleon Hill in his book ‘Think and Grow Rich’. Yes yes, I am aware of the fact that there are only 30 days in the month,

Don’t worry we won’t go all nerdy on you, we will keep it light and conversational and to the point. These posts will be telling you what may be standing between you and success and that money that you crave so badly.

The first post is coming up in a few minutes.