through the eyes of an enigma… el maèstro

Posts tagged ‘Twitter’

Let None Stifle Thee!!!

I recently made a Quick Tip post on emdfx (<—shameless plug that) where I stated that

“As a designer you should never allow anyone to tell you that you can’t achieve your goals. Let them stifle themselves, you keep your head up and set and strive to achieve your goals.”

Since that was a post which I had scheduled, I happened to be online when it popped into my newsfeed on Facebook and it got me thinking that this not only applies to us in the design or creative industries, but it can apply to any and everyone. So of course I sat down, typed this post in notepad and got lost in another video I was designing. I just stumbled across the post and I am now about to post it. Enough back story (which is almost a post within the post itself…bah) on to the goodies.

In all aspects of our lives, we as is natural for human beings, seek validation of our ideas and  our concepts. Sadly, some of us surround ourselves with persons who are extremely limited when it comes to creative thinking and as a result they do not like to see others strive. These persons, when you mention a new idea or potential business goldmine will seek any and every reason to put down your idea and leave you doubting yourself. (more…)